There are several misconceptions concerning traceability and authentication to screen out counterfeit parts that are purchased from Independent Sources. No combination of traceability or component testing keeps out all Counterfeit Silicon nor ensures Reliable Silicon.
The NRE costs to develop test programs and fixtures for component testing is expensive and needs to be destructive for reliability testing. Parametric testing is not reliability testing.
After Buyers and Engineers have exhausted all of their authorized aftermarket and franchised sources, they should submit their obsolete parts to Global Circuit Innovations to determine if a potential quick reaction and low cost solution is available prior to purchasing parts from the Open Market.
Global Circuit Innovation (GCI) offers a three-step process to offer a potential quick reaction and low-cost approach to solve Integrated Circuit (IC) obsolete parts.
Three Step Process:
- Work with the Original Component Manufacturer (OCM) Field Application Engineer and customers engineering organization to identify a franchised functional donor part in a different footprint to harvest die and reassemble into the desired footprint.
- Provide engineering evaluation units for system level testing to ensure our “Remanufactured” Parts meet all of the system and environment requirements.
- Produce and test “Remanufactured “ Parts in accordance with our customers or OCM drawings. Remark part with GCI part number and provide franchised donor part and GCI Certificate of Conformance and the same warranty as the OCM to extend the life cycle 5
Please see example of our process and test flow and contact Ed Odette at to research a solution with the OCM to offer our safe, guaranteed, traceable supply for your obsolete Integrated Circuits.