Trusted Semiconductor Solutions has expertise in ASIC, custom, mixed signal, RFIC and FPGA development for commercial, industrial, military and rad-hard applications. Our team can develop an IC from specification to tape-out and will support design entry points that meet your needs. Our capabilities include: Verilog/VHDL coding, synthesis, floor planning, front-end design, back-end design, timing analysis, power analysis, and verification.























Trusted Semi2

ASIC Design

We provide application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) development expertise including HDL coding, schematic design, synthesis, physical design, timing analysis, power analysis and foundry release. We engage with clients at a variety of entrance points; system concept, specification, RTL netlist, gate-level or GDSII. Our ASIC design methodology is based on commercially proven tools and flows and includes multiple design reviews. Our on-shore, ITAR-compliant design team and foundry partners offer options and trusted solutions from legacy 0.5 micron to leading-edge 28nm CMOS, BiCMOS, and SOI process technologies.

Analog, Mixed Signal, RF ICs

Our mixed signal, high-speed, RF or full-custom integrated circuit design services include specification development, circuit design and simulation, IP integration, custom layout and verification. We have experience in a wide range of technology that enables an optimized custom IC solution, such as CMOS, BiCMOS, SiGe, GaAs, and SOI. Our custom IC development methodology includes planning for IC packaging, test, and verification. Our package and test engineers are engaged during the design process to plan for down-stream system integration before fabrication and they are also involved with device characterization throughout the IC test and verification effort.

FPGA Development

FPGAs are traditionally used for low volume applications or proto-types. Due to high recurring price, large size, high power and questionable reliability for certain applications, ASICs are often preferred. We develop FPGAs for production or as proof-of-concept prototypes that will migrate to an ASIC for production delivery. We also provide FPGA equivalent ASICs that maintain the product footprint while improving performance and reducing recurring cost.

Intellectual Property

We provide hard and soft intellectual property (IP) for integrated circuits and rad-hard libraries for rad-hard-by-design (RHBD) ASIC development. Our integrated circuit IP includes memories (SRAM, ROM, nonvolatile), I/Os, communication links, ADC/DACs, PLLs, and microcontrollers. Additional IP is available through our partners, giving us limitless possibilities. Our radiation hardened libraries enable advanced rad-hard ASIC development. We created a rad-hard 90nm SOI library and have similar libraries planned for 45nm SOI and 32nm SOI commercial technology.